Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

The Hull Philharmonic Society (hereafter referred to as “the Society”) is aware that the protection of children and vulnerable adults is a shared responsibility. The Society recognises that it is a guiding principle of the law and child protection procedures, and that the protection and welfare of the child must always be the first priority.

1. Children and Vulnerable Adults Participation

The Society does not engage the voluntary services or participation of children/schoolchildren at its events without the presence of a responsible adult/member of the relevant school staff.

Children attending or performing in concerts or auditions do so under the supervision and control of a responsible adult. The Society does not admit unaccompanied children to its concerts at venues without their own safeguarding policies.

Children performing in concerts, at the Society’s invitation to a school or music organisation, organised by the Society, do so as part of an opportunity organised by their schools/organisations and are accompanied by staff from their schools/organisations, who are responsible for them under the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures of the relevant schools/organisations.

Anyone including any member of the Society who has a safeguarding concern at one of the events organised by the Society, must pass on this concern to the executive committee through the administrator of the Society on [email protected] or to any representative of the Society present at the event who will contact the relevant member of the accompanying teaching/organisation staff.

2. Photography and Filming of Children and Vulnerable Adults

The Society will occasionally employ photography and film during live events to document, share, and celebrate our work, and this will sometimes include capturing images of our audiences, some of whom may be children and/or vulnerable adults.

The Society is conscious of safeguarding protocols and principles when taking photos or filming and will always advise audiences when filming or photography is occurring, clearly signposting ways for people to opt out of appearing on any promotional materials.

To reduce the potential for misuse of images/footage, the Society will;

  • Never use children’s names, or other personal information in captions.
  • Gain verbal permission from a parent or carer for a child to be photographed and/or filmed and that their image may be used and shared by relevant organisations and partners, including on social media.
  • Extra to the parent or carer’s permission, also obtain the child’s verbal permission to use their image.
  • Only use images of children in suitable clothing to reduce the risk of inappropriate use.
  • Use hired and reputable photographers and videographers who are familiar with safeguarding protocols and principles.
  • Ensure that images or video recordings of children are stored securely.
  • Aim to reconfirm consent for using the images every two years, and avoid using old photographs wherever possible.

This Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually and has been approved by the Chair of the Society, Margaret Pinder.

Thursday 23 November 2023

The Hull Philharmonic Orchestra is recognised as one of the nation's leading amateur symphony orchestras and has been a major feature in the city's cultural landscape for over 130 years.


Hull Philharmonic